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We're back this Friday, the 29th, at 4 PM - Don't miss the action!
We're back this Friday, the 29th, at 4 PM - Don't miss the action!

Hero's Axe House

Online Waivers

It's easy to do

Save time, do your waiver online

It’s easy to do a waiver on your tablet, computer, or phone.
  • A minor needs a waiver completed by a parent or guardian.
  • If you do your waiver in advance, it will speed up your check-in experience.
  • Waivers expire at the end of each calendar year, so if you haven’t done one this year, please do another!

Waiver Questions

No, a waiver must be completed by a parent or guardian.

Your waiver expires at the end of the calendar year, or when you turn 18. Simply do a new one!

When you do the waiver, just choose Adults and Minors and pick three minors. Then provide the name and date of birth of each, and your emergency contact info, and all four will be completed with one form and one signature. 

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